ESG Data

In partnership with S&P Global

Based on client demand, Context Analytics has expanded our technology to include Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Reports. Our ESG data pack contains all 5 types of ESG reports: Sustainability Reports, Corporate Social Responsibility Reports (CSR), Corporate Governance Reports, Environmental Reports and Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) Reports. ESG reporting has become a top priority for companies in recent years. Context Analytics offers ESG data through both an API data feed and our Unstructured Data Terminal. Users of the UDT have wide ranging data capabilities through use of the ESG Topic Model, advanced search features, sentiment, document comparison and more.
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Parsing Structure:
Apple Inc. Environmental Responsibility Report

The ESG document dataset provides parsed text, broken down into the various sections identified by the company, with extraneous information such as page numbers, images, and tables removed.

Apple’s Most Recent Environmental Report

ESG Reports offer additional perspective to traditional corporate documents such as Annual Reports and SEC filings. Traditional corporate documents reflect the past year or quarter, while ESG reporting has a forward-thinking perspective. Trends in ESG initiatives can impact investing decisions.
For more information on the content and coverage of ESG Documents

ESG Topic Modeling

Context Analytics’ ESG Topic Model captures every relevant ‘ESG’ word (inclusion) and phrase across multiple data sources including Twitter and all SEC Edgar Filings and GMRF Filings (10Ks, 10Qs, 8Ks, Global AR/QR/SR).

The ESG Topic Model:
Excludes the mentions of ESG where it does not apply, (e.g. when Halliburton mentions ‘ESG’ referring to ‘Energy Services Group’). These tweets must mention a company and a mention of ESG related terms
Captures synonyms for words such as Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Environmental Responsibility
All ESG tweets are aggregated to the company level and are comparable on volume and sentiment metrics

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If you would like to learn more about how our Unstructured Data solutions can benefit you and your team, schedule a call with our CEO, Joe Gits or email us at
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